Cinema Perdu
Soundtracks without movies
I want to musically (re)create the feeling of a place at a certain time,
sometimes its more factual, sometimes its more storytelling.
Live-perfomances are for the most part improvisations in which i use sounds and structures from past and upcomming releases.
Besides projects shown below i make music for film, theater and performance art and work on an interactive music machine.
Latest Release
6 different views (digital)
Cinema Perdu
6 different views (digital)
4 a.m. (digital)
Cosmic City (Cassette/digital)
Looking out the window for 46 minutes and 38 seconds (digital)
Vlakverdeling (CD)
Fragments Of Echoes (cassette + digital download)
2 compositions with found sounds (3"cd-r limited mini-digipak edition/3"cd-r non-limited jewelcase edition) - Reviews
Amsterdam CS (CD) - Reviews (English and Dutch)
Interventions in a Landscape (CD) - Reviews (English and Dutch)
Invocation (The [Law-Rah] Collective & Cinema Perdu) (CD)
A Perfect Negative (Cassette)
Zeche/Landscape (File)
Blue Ruins Under Yellow Skies (Woodbender, Cinema Perdu, The [Law-Rah] Collective) (Cassette)
Reworks (Cassette)
Weggaan (Cassette)
8 Darks In Red (And Gray) (File)
Cinema Perdu (File)
Philipp Bückle / Martijn Pieck
A Storm Is Any Disturbed State Of An Environment (E-Release)
Field Reports (CD)
As Martijn Pieck
L´Anormalité // La Déviance (CD/art)
Interactive Music Machine
I also work (amongst others) on an interactive music machine. Info: website Interactive Music
if your are interested in playing these live, please contact me (on bandcamp you'll hear the composition made with software instruments)
poème mélancolique
six paintings for piano
two dancers (part 1) for 2 violin players.
poem for 3 violonists at different corners of the room
For theater
I already composed a lot of music for theater/performances.
In 2019 i composed music for a community art project, the first time for choir.
I composed 5 pieces an for occasional choir especially formed for this (community) art project.
(these aren't the best recordings as they where made during the play)
Tones (live)
Klei (live)
As member of the [law-rah] collective
Introspection (CD)
Innovation (CD)
resurrection - almost live at maschinenfest (Cassette)
Live (Cassette)
Kaviaar & Korenwolven (Cassette)
Field Of View (CD)
[ANS]werk (CD)
Solitaire (CD)
Inspiration (CD)
As member of woodbender:
We are now focussing on improvisation.
Result of our improvisation sessions can be heard on Bandcamp Woodbender
The Fountain A Conduit (Cassette + download)
Coincidences (Cassette)
facebook Cinema Perdu
website the [law-rah] collective
facebook Woodbender